Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014



Regional Studies and History of Migration
Estudios Regionales y Historia de Migracion
Landeskunde und Auswanderungsgeschichte

In many countries of the world emigrants from Germany founded a Berlin settlement. An interesting phenomenon led to the fact, that in Colombia South America nowadays we can find more than 100 sites named Berlin. Between these figure small villages, town quarters, rural districts, countryside schools and health stations, former police stations, Haciendas, creeks, Mountain Tops, Paramos, ... Which phenomenon contributed to the development of a so great number of places titeled Berlin especifically in Colombia ? A study proyect to explain that fact has been started in February 2000 by the Office PLAN in Bogota that figures as precursor of the CID Institute founded 2 1/2 years later in Weilmünster Germany.

The Colombian Settlements
 and Places named Berlin
Los asentamientos y sitios con nombre
 Berlin en Colombia
 Die kolumbianischen Siedlungen und Plätze
  mit Ortsnamen Berlin

Usually, when we hear the word Nassau, we think at the Nassau Island in the Bahamas. Studying the historic world maps in detail we find less 3 more Nassau Islands besides Bays, Rivers, Mountain Ranges ... and old fortresses. Not seldom these Nassau places are related with sites titeled Orange and indicate relicts of the historic emigration from the central german Nassau County that existed formally between 1200 and 1850 and that is related to the dutch and english noble houses of Oranje-Nassau and Windsor. These namegivings often have transformed during the centuries and open space for mysticism and theories about invisible century old filigrane relationships between nearly all countries of the whole world. Have Assuan, Assam and Tenasserim been former Nassau foundations ? Is Nashua an indigenous transformation of the word Nassau ? Followed the global namegiving over the past 5 centuries a secret key of cartographic colonization dynamics that could help us to understand our world better and to treat her more careful ? In 2007 the CID Institute started it´s study and publication series about the Nassau and Orange named sites of the world.

The worldwide distribution
of the site-names of 
La extension de los nombres de poblaciones de 
NASSAU e ORANGE alrededor del mundo
Die weltweite Ausbreitung der Ortsnamen 

Aspects of the local history 
of the village Weilmünster
 Aspectos de la historia local
 del pueblo de Weilmünster
 Aspekte der Ortsgeschichte
 der Gemeinde Weilmünster

Discontinued / Descontinuado / Ausgesetzt :

How the Western European "CRUZADE" Experience (1096 - 1229) determinates Contemporary Military Campaigns against "Old Adversaries" (ISIS, Curds, Drug Wars, ...)

Como la Experiencia de "LAS CRUZADAS" (1096 - 1229) determina Campagnas Militares Contemporaneas en contra de "Antiguos Adversarios" (ISIS, Curdos, Luchas Antidrogas, ...)

Der bestimmende Charakter westeuropäischer "KREUZZUG"-Erfahrungen (1096 - 1229) für kontemporäre Militärkampagnen gegen "Alte Gegner" (ISIS, Kurden, Drogenkriege, ...)

The Antiochias

Las Antiochias
Die Antiochias
Planned - En Preparación - In Vorbereitung

Metzelei von Antiochia. Aus:
Otto Henne am Rhyn / Die Kreuzzüge
Fourierverlag, Wiesbaden, 2003

Since the year 333 before the beginning of modern time counting numerous, to be exact about 20 towns have been named Antiochia, all of them situated in the Levante region between Anatolia, Palestine and Mesopotamia. Situated along the crusaders marching routes, most of them today exist as historic ruin sites. This investigation proyect has the aim to compose and document their common history as former capitals of a supranational empire of independent towns.

Desde el ano 333 antes del inicio de nuestro conteo de tiempo numerosas, para ser exacto acerca de 20 ciudades llevaban el nombre Antiochia, todas situadas en la region de la Levante entre Anatolia, Palestina y Mesopotamia. Situados a lo largo de las rutas de marcha de los cruzaderos, la mayoria de ellas existe hoy  como sitios historicos en ruinas. Ese proyecto de investigacion pretende disenar y documentar su historia comun como imperio supranacional de metropolis independientes.

Seit dem Jahr 333 vor Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung existieren zahlreiche, um genau zu sein etwa 20 Städte mit Namen Antiochia, alle in der Region der Levante zwischen Anatolien, Palestina und dem Zweistromland gelegen. Gebaut an den Marschstrecken der Kreuzfahrer sind sie heute in ihrer Mehrzahl historische Ruinenstätten. Dieses Forschungsprojekt hat zum Ziel, die gemeinsame Geschichte dieser Siedlungen als übernationales Imperium unabhängiger Städte zu entwerfen und zu dokumentieren.